duze pulverizare pregatirea suprafetelor www.uni-spray.ro

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sistemul de duze de pulverizare suprafete Uni-Spray

Cuploare & Adaptoare

The Uni-Spray couplers & adaptors provide a quick release system for connecting pipes and hoses together. This includes quick release end caps so that pipes can be easily drained for cleaning and maintenance. Our couplers come in three chemically resistant materials: ny-glass, poly-glass or PVDF. They are suitable for connecting 1" to 4" pipework.

Each coupler comes in a pair. One end of each part will be threaded or a hose barb and so will connect to the either a threaded pipe or suitable hose. The coupling in the middle of each pair is a camlock.

So the options are:

Male thread to female  Male thread to male  Female to female Hose to female      Hose to male

The system supports thread sizes from 1" to 4"
In addition to the pipe to pipe couplers the system also includes a quick release end cap.

Fişa tehnică

cuploare si conectoare schimb rapid

Componentele sistemului de pulverizare rapidă

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